Tag Archives: counter-culture
Good And Plenty’s Groovy 1960’s Day-Glo Posters!
Candy-related premiums are not a big part of my focus or area of interest though I do find myself enamored with one from time to time, especially when they turn out to be more than just a cheap tchotchke with … Continue reading
Donruss’ Mouth Full Bubble Gum and that Iconic Smiley Face!
Back in the late 1960’s, the Donruss company of Memphis, Tennessee offered up a “slab bubble gum” product to consumers. Although competitors like Fleer and Topps had similar products on the market, I consider Donruss’ offering notable for its use … Continue reading
A Groovy 1970’s Flashback: Ghirardelli’s Mother Nature Line!
Over the last decade, the business of artisanal and organic chocolate has exploded. With small manufacturers sourcing their own cocoa and adding all sorts of unusual and exotic ingredients to their bars, it’s a great time to be a chocolate … Continue reading
A Quick Taste of Counter-Culture Candy — Or When Social Movements Become Tasty Treats!
I wanted to share something quick and fun today, so I came up with two pieces that reflect the counter-culture movement of the 60’s and 70’s, albeit in a small way. Hippies – what can I say? I grew up … Continue reading
From the Mystery Files: Ringers – The Adult Bubble Gum.
I’ve previously pointed out that the history of candy and gum packaging is largely unknown. It’s a bit like a fossil record in that for every piece you’ve seen, there are likely ten more that you haven’t. For me that’s … Continue reading