Monthly Archives: April 2012

The One-Pound Snickers – They call it “Slice ‘n Share”.

A short post today about a big candy bar. I collect current candy packaging as well as the vintage stuff, and I’ll be honest, I don’t eat everything I buy.  If I did, I’d have to buy a new wardrobe … Continue reading

Posted in Chocolate | 5 Comments

Attack of the Zombie Candy – Australia’s Zombie Chews!

Ah… Zombies… what’s not to love? I’ve been a fan of zombies as long as I can remember.  I think my first exposure to them was through the pages of Starlog magazine (or maybe it was Fangoria) and their coverage … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Wacky Wednesdays – Scary Jane!

Today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays is from 1974’s Wacky Packages series 10 – Scary Jane.

Posted in 1970's, Topps, Wacky Packages | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fun Dip and Lik-M-Aid – A powdery-sugar-filled retrospective.

I am excited to finally be getting to today’s post, as I’ve wanted to cover the subject of Fun Dip for a long time.  It’s good that I waited, as the last couple of months have provided key pieces of … Continue reading

Posted in 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, Wonka | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 46 Comments

Topps’ Fruit Fizz and Cola Fizz – A new candy discovery from the late 70’s.

It’s not often that I discover images of something produced by Topps in the mid-to-late-70’s that I’d never seen before.   After doing years of resarch and collecting, I’d assumed I’d at least come across photos of every one of their … Continue reading

Posted in 1970's, Bubble Gum, Gum, Topps | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Ode to Woolworth’s – The magical isle of my candy youth.

I grew up in Nebraska in the 1970’s, and in the town where I grew up, we had a Woolworth’s store.   Without a doubt it had the best selection of candy and gum in town and because of that, I … Continue reading

Posted in 1960's, 1970's | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Wacky Wednesdays – Baby Runt and Bustedfinger!

After missing last week’s Wacky Wednesday’s column, partly due to the road trip we were on, today I’m making the post a bit of a double-feature.  Today, I give you Bustedfinger and Baby Runt.

Posted in 1970's, Chocolate, Gum, Topps, Uncategorized, Wacky Packages | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The almost-conclusion to the Jeff Nelson Gum Collection!

Today, I’ll be posting the last photos of the display cases of Jeff Nelson’s gum collection.  With one small caveat;  These were the display cases that were filled and completed before we arrived. We spent our two-and-a-half days in Toledo, … Continue reading

Posted in 1980's, 1990's, Bubble Gum, Fleer, Gum, Topps | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment