Category Archives: Uncategorized’s 100,000th View!
Earlier this week, more specifically at 11am on Monday, received its 100,000th page view. Hooray! officially launched on February 6th with our Big League Chew Retrospective. Since then, it’s been 120 posts and just under five months … Continue reading
Wacky Wednesdays – Nothing! – The Wacky Package that Almost Wasn’t.
Today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays is a bit of a departure from the previous entries, as I was personally involved in shaping the final look of this sticker. From 2012’s Wacky Packages Old School Series 3 is a sticker I … Continue reading
A Walk Through Whoppers Packaging History!
Whoppers malted milk balls – they’re a candy classic that’s been around in one form or another since 1939. Because they’ve been around so long, they’re a daunting topic to tackle – and the task to cover them proved to … Continue reading
The Brief American Release of Nestle’s Aero Bar – Revealed!
The Aero bar is a well-known treat in the UK as well as in Canada, but here in the United States, it remains relatively unknown. But that almost wasn’t the case, back in the late 1980’s. [Edit: The US release … Continue reading
A 1950’s Peter Paul Wrapper with a Giggle-Worthy Name.
I’m going to be swamped today with non-candy-related commitments, but I wanted to share something quick and light with everyone today.
Hershey’s Desert and Tropical Bars – In Honor of Memorial Day
Just returned from a whirlwind three-day trip to see family and attend related events back in my home state of Nebraska. I hope to get back up to speed fast, and deliver some great bits of fun this week. … Continue reading
Wonka Nerds from Around the World!
Nerds have been a confectionery favorite since they were first introduced back in 1982. Yep, they’re celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year, and I’ll be delving into their history in more detail, later this summer. Today, however, I’d like to … Continue reading
Wacky Wednesdays – Spazzles!
When Wacky Packages Old School first launched back in 2010, I was pretty excited about it. A new series parodying the products of the 1970’s that the original Wacky Packages series never covered – how could I not love it? … Continue reading
Arrrhhh! – Me Eye! – Injuries and Pirate-themed candy.
Howdy, all. Sorry that the site has been without update the last two days. I’ve had an injury, and today is the first time I’ve been able to keep my eyes on a computer screen for more than a few … Continue reading