Tag Archives: Just Born
Twelve Days of Christmas: Gingerbread for 2013!
Today we’re kicking off our 2013 Twelve Days of Christmas series with a look at some new gingerbread-flavored candy. Today’s post will showcase the great new limited edition releases of 2013 that all bring gingerbread flavoring into the mix. Including … Continue reading
New for 2013: Mike and Ike Vampire Variety joins Last Year’s Mummy’s Mix!
Last year Just Born introduced a terrific Halloween seasonal edition of Mike and Ike called Mummy’s Mix, which quickly became one of my favorites for 2012. And while that was a big hit, Just Born didn’t rest on their laurels … Continue reading
1970’s Witchmallows and Other Halloween Peeps!
As I documented during my Easter week of posts earlier this year, Marshmallow Peeps have been around for 60 years. Within that Easter Week post, I featured a Just Born anniversary brochure that indicated the 1990’s as the decade when … Continue reading
Hot Week: Digging Hot Tamales Through the Decades!
For the final day of Cinnamon Hot Week, I wanted to dig deep into a brand that has always been a favorite of mine, Just Born’s Hot Tamales! This will be the final post in our week-long coverage of all … Continue reading
Just Born on the 4th of July — Happy Independence Day with 2003’s Mike and Ike Stripes!
Here in the United States we celebrate our Independence Day every July 4th and to mark the occasion this year I thought I’d focus on one of Just Born’s patriotic offerings from a decade ago; Mike and Ike Stripes!
Mike and Ike are back together, so Happy Easter from Mike and Ike circa 2003!
The news broke earlier in the week that Mike and Ike are back together. I’ll be devoting a pretty significant post to this story in the coming months, but I had this neat Mike and Ike Easter box from a … Continue reading
Easter Week Countdown – A Look Back At Peeps 50th Birthday!
This year in 2013, JustBorn’s Peeps are celebrating their 60th Anniversary, but back in 2003 they marked half-a-century with a big 50th Birthday celebration. One of the neat Peeps items in my collection from this period is a 50th Anniversary … Continue reading
A Pair of my Favorite New Halloween Offerings for 2012!
Every year, candy companies release versions of their products in Halloween-themed packaging. Sometimes those designs return year after year and become seasonal classics, while other times the designs get refreshed each year. When a company does a Halloween-themed version of … Continue reading
The Return of Lem and Mel & Cherri and Bubb!
Today I get to herald the return of a pair of Just Born treats from the early 1990’s; Lem and Mel, and Cherri and Bubb. After nearly two decades off the shelves these tasty treats are back, so today we’re … Continue reading
Hot Tamales Get a Firey Facelift!
Collecting candy oftentimes starts like many collectible hobbies in that it can begin with a search for some kind of personal nostalgia – that’s what first prompted me to start hunting down old candy packaging. In my case, I was … Continue reading