Tag Archives: 80’s Wonka
Willy Wonka’s DinaSour Eggs – A Classic 80’s Treat!
As Jurassic World continues its weeks-long Summer box office domination, I thought it would be fun to revisit some dinosaur-themed confectionery treats from the past. Most kids delight in dinosaurs and many (myself included) even go through a phase of … Continue reading
Posted in 1980's, Boxed, Hard Candy, Wonka
Tagged 1980's, 80's, 80's candy, 80's Wonka, candy collecting, candy collection, candy collector, candy wrapper collection, candy wrapper collector, collectible, collecting candy, confectionery, confections, dinosaur, packaging, packaging design, sweets, vintage candy wrappers, Willy Wonka, Wonka, wrapper
Willy Wonka’s Squids – A Forgotten 80’s Gummy!
Here at CollectingCandy.com I tend to throw around the adjectives “lost” and “forgotten” from time-to-time and I don’t think I’m being overly dramatic when I do. In the realm of vintage candy countless products have come and gone, seemingly in … Continue reading
Posted in 1980's, Gummies, Wonka
Tagged 1980's, 1980's candy, 1980's Wonka, 80's, 80's candy, 80's gummies, 80's Wonka, candy collecting, candy collection, candy collector, candy wrapper collection, candy wrapper collector, collectible, collecting candy, confectionery, confections, Gummies, packaging, sweets, vintage candy wrapper, Willy Wonka, wrapper