Back again for another edition of Wacky Wednesdays today with an offering from the recently-released Wacky Packages All-New Series 10 – Allmud Joy!
Wacky Packages All-New Series 10 (or ANS10) was released in March 2013 and included a number of candy parodies within the set. Allmud Joy is one that I particularly enjoyed and thought it would be a nice way to kick off coverage of the set. Here’s a closer look at the sticker:

Wacky Packages 2013 All-New Series 10 – Allmud Joy
Based upon the current Almond Joy wrapper, it’s a fun little parody with a lot going on. I especially like the pig character in place of the coconut graphic as well as changing “Peter Paul” to “Piggy Paul”. Fun stuff. Here’s a matching Almond Joy wrapper for comparison:

Hershey – Peter Paul Almond Joy – candy bar wrapper – 2013
And that’s everything for today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays. I plan to cover a few more of the candy offerings from ANS10 in the next couple months, so stay tuned.
See you next time!
If you’d like to pick up some Wacky Packages ANS10, they’re currently sold out at Topps, but I found some of them available on Amazon:
And TOPPS is planning an All New Series 11 of Wacky Packages this Fall 2013! Maybe there could be more candy spoofs there…