We’re back with a new edition of Wacky Wednesdays and today we’ll be looking at a sticker from the recently-released Wacky Packages All-New Series 10 – 3-Racketeers.
Today marks the second time I’ve covered a 3-Musketeers related Wacky Package for Wacky Wednesdays – the first was for the 1970’s 3-Mosquitoes parody in August of last year.
The 3-Racketeers sticker is one of several bonus stickers from the All-New Series 10 that were released exclusively at Target stores and only within special double-packs. So this one is a bit unusual as it could only be found in those special packs sold at Target.
Let’s take a closer look at it:

Wacky Packages ANS10 – 3 Racketeers – 2013
The parody takes the 3-Musketeers idea and gives it an edgy Sopranos/Goodfellas transformation. Chocolate whipped becomes pistol whipped, and though the classic 3-Musketeers line “All for one, and one for all!” is not on the original wrapper, it is played upon and given a greedy twist here.
Here’s a look at the version of 3-Musketeers wrapper that 3-Racketeers was based on:

M&M-Mars – 3-Musketeers chocolate candy bar wrapper – 2011
As you can see, the design and look of the original 3-Musketeers wrappers was kept largely in place in the 3-Racketeers Wacky. I think they did a very nice job.
And that’s everything for today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays.
See you next time!!
This was planned for the first Wacky Packages All New Series but withdrawn.
Very interesting!! Thanks for the info, Darryl!