Monthly Archives: February 2012
For President’s Day – Presidential M&M’s
To my recollection, candy started taking on a larger presidential profile during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980’s. President Reagan was a fan of a brand of jelly beans that were relatively unknown at the time – Jelly Belly. Soon … Continue reading
After covering the US Marathon bar and its secret origins as well as its UK namesake and the bar that inspired it (CurlyWurly), I’m going to round it out with the WigWag.
Collecting CurlyWurly
I’ve long been uncertain of how the name of this bar should be written. Is it two separate words as in Curly Wurly, one word but with an oddly-placed capital like CurlyWulry, or is it simply a single name like … Continue reading
Mars Mixes it Up – A Tricky Trinity of Timeless Brands: Part Two
A quick recap on yesterday’s Part One: For decades, Snickers bars were sold as Marathon bars over in the United Kingdom, while the US had a its own different Marathon through the 1970’s. But in the early 1990’s the UK … Continue reading
Mars Mixes it Up – A Tricky Trinity of Timeless Brands: Part One
In the United States today, when you mention the brand names Snickers and 3-Musketeers, your mind will recognize two of the most popular and timeless candy bar names. Mention the brand name Marathon here, and maybe you remember the classic … Continue reading
Mad about Marathon – The bar that lasts a good long time…
The name of this website is CollectingCandy and no single candy wrapper has been as responsible for my starting to collect candy than the Marathon’s. My love of Marathon is reflected throughout the site. The current Collecting Candy logo is … Continue reading
Happy Valentine’s Day! – CollectingCandy-style.
Though Valentine’s Day is a holiday intimately intertwined with the idea of roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, it’s not my top holiday for candy collecting. Perhaps next to the monster-adorned packaging for Halloween, or the Santa-&-Snowmen bounty of … Continue reading
Rockin’ the 80’s – Tale of the 30-Year-Old Snickers
When you are a collector of old candy wrappers and candy boxes, you quickly learn and have to accept that you’re collecting what most folks consider trash. Candy wrappers are discarded, not saved. Because of that fact, you look for … Continue reading
The Secret and Saucy Origins of M&M’s Almond
One of the aspects of collecting candy I really enjoy is that there are constantly new discoveries to be made. As a kid, I collected trading cards, but I wasn’t discovering new things so much as I was assembling my … Continue reading
Brach’s-in-Bulk – Bite-Size and By-the-Bag – Old-School.
Growing up, one of my favorite spots at the grocery store was the Brach’s bulk candy or Pick-A-Mix area. Decades before the modern bulk candy sections of super-stores, Brach’s kept the old-fashioned general store feeling alive with their candy sales … Continue reading