Category Archives: British
UK Nestle’s Jungle Book Characters Wrappers – My Near-Complete Set!
These days, the idea of a short-run licensed candy bar or candy bar tie-in with a film or television show is not all that uncommon. In the 1970’s it was all-but-unheard of, at least in this country. In the UK … Continue reading
Whoops! I Missed a few Rolos!
Only a few days ago I posted an extensive Rolo Roundup, and somehow while bringing together dozens of foreign and domestic wrappers spread across seven decades, I missed a few. Trying to keep so many wrappers in so many spots … Continue reading
Our Big Rolo Roundup! 75 Years of Rolo!
Today is unofficially my 100th article for, so I wanted to make it a big one. [Note: This is actually post 105, but several of those were directing readers to other things, so this would be my 100th … Continue reading
Wonka Nerds from Around the World!
Nerds have been a confectionery favorite since they were first introduced back in 1982. Yep, they’re celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year, and I’ll be delving into their history in more detail, later this summer. Today, however, I’d like to … Continue reading
A favorite from the archives – Cadbury’s Amazin’ Raisin Bar.
It’s a short post today, as I’m dedicating most of my time this weekend to reorganizing my unfiled wrappers and boxes. Since launching last month, I’ve been reminded of the areas of my archive that need some administrative attention. With … Continue reading
A few new CurlyWurly bits.
Today I’d like to update my coverage of Cadbury’s CurlyWurly, based on a pair of new acquisitions and a deep search into my own files that turned up a wrapper I hadn’t found when I did my previous CurlyWurly article.
A Cowboy from the UK – The British Texan
Back in the 1970’s, UK-based Rowntree Mackintosh released their Texan bar with the tagline, “The Mighty Chew”. With a cool mascot and a neat wrapper, it’s been one of the vintage UK brands I’ve become enamored with as I’ve learned … Continue reading