Back in the 1970’s, UK-based Rowntree Mackintosh released their Texan bar with the tagline, “The Mighty Chew”.
With a cool mascot and a neat wrapper, it’s been one of the vintage UK brands I’ve become enamored with as I’ve learned more about it. I’ve also set out to track down Texan pieces for my collection.
I finally picked up a standard Texan wrapper about a year ago. The Texan, like many of my childhood favorites from the United States, appears to have lasted not long into the 1980’s. Due to the fond memories associated with it, the Texan received a limited run nostalgia re-release in 2005. Nestle, having acquired Rowntree-Mackintosh some years earlier, handled the release:
Aside from those wrappers, I’ve also picked up a pair of multi-pack wrappers. Normally multi-packs tend to be less interesting than actual wrappers but in this case the packs are pretty cool as they feature the Texan cowboy mascot:
With those pieces, I felt my UK Texan bar collection was complete, but then I found this blurry image of something I’d never heard of before:
Yes, the Texan received an oddball-spinoff flavor extension – the Orange Texan. So it would appear that my Texan collection isn’t as complete as I had thought. And my hunt continues…
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