We’re bringing a bit of Halloween Wacky fun here in March with today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays; from Wacky Packages Postcards 2012-Halloween Edition, it’s Bit-O-Hairy!
Bit-O-Hairy is a parody of Bit-O-Honey of course, and today marks the second Wacky Wednesdays post which features a parody of that product – the first one was for the 1970’s Wacky, Bit-O-Money.
I gotta say, today’s Wacky always puts a smile on my face. Anytime you can bring Bigfoot into a Wacky Packages parody is good in my book. Let’s take a closer look at the postcard itself:

Topps – Wacky Packages Halloween 2012 Postcards -Bit-O-Hairy
A couple really nice touches and word-play found on this one, “Hair-Raising Taste!”. It’s a solidly fun bit of parody based on the modern wrapper for Bit-O-Honey, and here’s one for comparison:

Nestle – Bit-O-Honey – 1.7 oz candy wrapper – 2012
As you can see this wrapper is a pretty close match to the Bit-O-Hairy Wacky that parodied it. I suspect the few subtle differences are more likely to be artistic choice, rather than it being based on a different wrapper.
And that’s everything for today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays.
See you next time!