Tag Archives: chocolate
Rockin’ the 80’s – Tale of the 30-Year-Old Snickers
When you are a collector of old candy wrappers and candy boxes, you quickly learn and have to accept that you’re collecting what most folks consider trash. Candy wrappers are discarded, not saved. Because of that fact, you look for … Continue reading
The Secret and Saucy Origins of M&M’s Almond
One of the aspects of collecting candy I really enjoy is that there are constantly new discoveries to be made. As a kid, I collected trading cards, but I wasn’t discovering new things so much as I was assembling my … Continue reading
Cereal and Candy: Best of Breakfast Friends
Though I am a candy wrapper and candy box collector, I’m also a cereal box collector. Each hobby has it’s own wonderful quirks and qualities, and sometimes the two of those hobbies crossover. Marketers long-ago figured out that a kid … Continue reading