Tag Archives: hippie
Good And Plenty’s Groovy 1960’s Day-Glo Posters!
Candy-related premiums are not a big part of my focus or area of interest though I do find myself enamored with one from time to time, especially when they turn out to be more than just a cheap tchotchke with … Continue reading
Donruss’ Mouth Full Bubble Gum and that Iconic Smiley Face!
Back in the late 1960’s, the Donruss company of Memphis, Tennessee offered up a “slab bubble gum” product to consumers. Although competitors like Fleer and Topps had similar products on the market, I consider Donruss’ offering notable for its use … Continue reading
From the Mystery Files: Ringers – The Adult Bubble Gum.
I’ve previously pointed out that the history of candy and gum packaging is largely unknown. It’s a bit like a fossil record in that for every piece you’ve seen, there are likely ten more that you haven’t. For me that’s … Continue reading