Tag Archives: cinnamon
Nerds Hot and Cool – Discovered!! A CollectingCandy.com World Premiere!!
It’s been a busy few weeks of research here at CollectingCandy.com HQ and today I’m excited to bring a groovy confectionery discovery (and new CollectingCandy.com exclusive) to light: the only known image of a Nerds Hot and Cool candy box!
Hot Week: Digging Hot Tamales Through the Decades!
For the final day of Cinnamon Hot Week, I wanted to dig deep into a brand that has always been a favorite of mine, Just Born’s Hot Tamales! This will be the final post in our week-long coverage of all … Continue reading
Hot Week: Mason’s HOT Cinnamon DOTS from the 80’s!
As we hit day four of our Cinnamon Hot Week, it’s time to share another hot flavor of a classic brand you’ve probably never heard of: Mason’s Hot Cinnamon DOTS!
Hot Week: Bazooka Hot Bubble Gum from 1973!
During the initial two days of Cinnamon Hot Week I looked at unusual items from the 1960’s and the 1990’s – so today I’m hitting the 1970’s with a dynamite-yet-mysterious release from Topps Chewing Gum: Bazooka Hot Bubble Gum!
Hot Week: Willy Wonka’s Everlasting Hot Gobstoppers!!
Welcome back to the second day of our Cinnamon Hot Week! Today we’ll be shining a delicious light on a treat from the early 1990’s; Willy Wonka’s Everlasting HOT Gobstoppers!
Hot Week: PEZ Hot Cinnamon Candy from the 1960’s!
Our first Cinnamon Hot Week posting is a wild one as it features a cinnamon hot flavor of a candy I never would have expected and had never heard of until recently: Hot Cinnamon Pez!
Wacky Wednesdays – Atomic Fur Ball!
Welcome back to another edition of CollectingCandy.com’s Wacky Wednesdays! This week, we’ll be looking at one of my favorite parodies from the recently released Wacky Packages Old School series 4 – Atomic Fur Ball.
After years of hunting – Willy Wonka’s Daredevils – Discovered!
Collecting candy is a crazy kind of hobby. Sometimes you can spend years hunting for any trace of a brand or piece of packaging, and never find one. But it’s not always so tough – typically there is a photo … Continue reading