Tag Archives: 1960’s
New for 2013: Starburst Candy Corn and Brach’s New Look! Plus a Big Dose of Candy Corn History!
October 30th is National Candy Corn Day — well, at least that’s what Alton Brown told me when I saw him on the Food Network last week. Alton’s alert prompted me to do a little Google search to read up … Continue reading
Hot Week: PEZ Hot Cinnamon Candy from the 1960’s!
Our first Cinnamon Hot Week posting is a wild one as it features a cinnamon hot flavor of a candy I never would have expected and had never heard of until recently: Hot Cinnamon Pez!
Breaker Confections’ 5-Cent Window Boxes from 1963!!
Breaker Confections is a name that you might not know, although you’ll certainly recognize some of their more successful creations like Bottle Caps, Tart N Tinys and Everlasting Gobstoppers. The company name was retired when it became a part of … Continue reading
Stop! Candy Time!
Just a one-off for today, folks. This one comes from mid-60’s Canada and the Neilson candy company. It’s Neilson’s Candy Time bar.
Vintage Leaf Vending Promo Photos!
Today I’m going to share a collection of nineteen promotional images created for the Leaf company’s vending trade, likely during the early 1970’s. I mentioned these in my 300th post behind-the-scenes video and as I stated there, these were probably … Continue reading
Christmas Countdown: Beich’s Classic Santa Claus Candy and More!
For decades the company Beich’s, also known as Bike’s, was one of the larger confectioners on the candy landscape. Among many long-running products, they produced Laffy Taffy, which is still produced today by the Nestle company under their Wonka brand. … Continue reading
UK Nestle’s Jungle Book Characters Wrappers – My Near-Complete Set!
These days, the idea of a short-run licensed candy bar or candy bar tie-in with a film or television show is not all that uncommon. In the 1970’s it was all-but-unheard of, at least in this country. In the UK … Continue reading
Our Big Rolo Roundup! 75 Years of Rolo!
Today is unofficially my 100th article for CollectingCandy.com, so I wanted to make it a big one. [Note: This is actually post 105, but several of those were directing readers to other things, so this would be my 100th … Continue reading
Fun Dip and Lik-M-Aid – A powdery-sugar-filled retrospective.
I am excited to finally be getting to today’s post, as I’ve wanted to cover the subject of Fun Dip for a long time. It’s good that I waited, as the last couple of months have provided key pieces of … Continue reading