It’s been a few weeks since our last installment of Wacky Wednesdays as there were a few other priorities that made in into the Wednesday slot recently. So I’d like to welcome the column back with an offering from Wacky Packages Postcards Halloween 2012 edition; a parody of Peanut M&M’s – Petrified MuMmy’s!
The great thing about the Wacky Packages Halloween postcard releases is that they tend to be exclusively candy parodies and they tend to be monster-related which is always great fun for me. With that in mind, let’s take a close-up look at the Petrified MuMmy’s Wacky Postcard.

Topps – Wacky Packages Halloween 2012 Postcards – Petrified Mummy’s
It’s a fun little parody showcasing a mummified M&M’s mascot rising from a tomb, as well as my favorite element; the hand reaching out from the side of the package. Turning “M&M’s” into “MuMmy’s” isn’t the most elegant play on the original product name, but since it gets us to what it does – I think it works well.
It was easy for me to track down the original packaging for today’s post as it was based on a contemporary Peanut M&M’s package. And here it is:

Mars – M&M’s Peanut – 1.74oz candy package – 2012
As you can see, all of the original packaging design elements were incorporated into the Wacky parody. I think they did a great job on this one.
And that’s everything for today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays.
See you next time!