First, my apologies for the lack of updates the past few days, but it has been for a good reason. I’ve been excitedly preparing my site to take part in the official Countdown To Halloween!
I first became aware of the Halloween Countdown idea through my pal Todd Franklin’s Neato Coolville site, and his annual countdown. When I launched CollectingCandy, I knew I wanted to do something similar. But I soon found out that there was a whole community of Halloween Countdown sites, several more of which were run by other internet friends of mine.
This annual event is now coordinated and run through the Official Countdown to Halloween site:

Countdown to Halloween – Official Site Banner –
With all this in mind, I hope to present nothing but Halloween-related posts all month long. It’s going to be quite the challenge, but I hope it’s going to be even more fun.
Tomorrow I’ll begin, but today I’d like to unveil the new site banner I created especially for the month-long event. It’ll be replacing my standard banner right up through October 31st. I hope you guys dig it:
I’m looking forward to spending the next four weeks on the topic of Halloween and Halloween candy – I think it’s going to be a blast! And that’s everything for today’s post. See you next time!
Welcome aboard Jason! I can’t wait to see what goodies you’ll be sharing and talking about. So excited!
Looking forward to the countdown!