For this week’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays, we’re going to take a look at a Wacky Package sticker from 1973’s Series 5 – Clank.
Clank is a parody of the classic Clark bar. The parody takes the Clark name and turns it into Clank, a term that I’m guessing is supposed to represent the sound of heavy metal hitting the ground. The yellow bar announces that Clank is the “the one you can’t lift” and the wrapper features a Wacky character attempting, in vain, to lift the last letter of the logo.
Here’s a close-up look at the sticker:
After looking at this image, and comparing it to the early 70’s Clark bar wrappers I have, I couldn’t come up with a perfect match. In fact, the closest I could find was this wrapper which sports an MLB endorsement:
I was a little disappointed that I didn’t have the exact version parodied, as I thought I had a pretty good run of Clark wrappers from the 70’s.
Still wanting to find the perfect match, I took a shot and searched the Flickr images of a few of my fellow collector friends, and found this wrapper – which looks to match up nearly perfectly with the Wacky sticker:
So I don’t have that wrapper myself, but at least I get to share it as part of today’s post – which is still pretty cool.
And that’s everything for today’s edition of Wacky Wednesdays. See you next time!