As a candy collector, traveling out of the country is a great opportunity to find fun and foreign versions of candy packaging. Of course, if you’re not a regular globetrotter, it helps to have friends pitch in for the hunt.
A pal of mine recently put together a great care package of current offerings from the candy shelves of Australia. She had done so a few years earlier, so when I saw a fun new M&M’s package from down under, I asked if she could do so again.
The M&M’s package that prompted this latest candy care package request was for the new Coconut M&M’s. I saw the Australian version online and immediately noticed a difference – the M&M mascot Green was wearing a coconut top:
I’ve mentioned before about how the Australian branch of the M&M/Mars company has a bit more fun with their mascots than we do, and this is clearly another case of that. After all, in the United States market, these were the versions of Green that we got on our M&M’s Coconut packages:
And here’s the full Australian package:
Two other M&M’s packs came in the care package. One for M&M’s Crispy, which have been discontinued here for a few years, and another for M&M’s Almond, which are new to the Australian market. The packaging for the Almond flavor presents an X-Ray scenario similar to the United States’ M&M’s Pretzel flavor packages.
So a bit of fun from the other side of the globe for today. I’ll leave it to you to decide just what Australia’s Miss Green was covering up with her coconuts…
[Special thanks to my pal Elli from Australia!]
The Australians are more daring? What do you mean? The Australian version is wearing a coconut bikini top. The US version is completely topless!