This weekend Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is hitting theaters in the United States, so I thought it was the perfect time to revisit some Avengers-related candy pieces from my collection. Make the jump to check them out!
When the first Avengers film debuted in 2012, this site was only a few months old and I posted about the Hershey company tie-ins related to that movie that I had picked up. I didn’t realize it at the time but I had completely missed the Hershey bars. So today I’m going to look back at those missed pieces as well as a few other oddball confectionery Avengers tidbits that you won’t find anywhere else.
Before I do, I wanted to share the latest episode of TheCandyGeek, which touches upon my trip to see Avengers: Age of Ultron this very weekend.
Hershey’s “Save the Day” promotion back in 2012 was pretty fun and resulted in a lot of great Avengers candy packaging but for 2015’s Age of Ultron the companies didn’t follow suit, which I think is too bad. I’d have loved to have seen Ultron gracing a Kit Kat wrapper this year. At least we still have the offerings from 2012 to appreciate. Here they are:

Hershey – Hershey’s Milk Chocolate – Marvel Avengers Saves the Day – Captain America – 1.55 oz candy bar wrapper – May 2012

Hershey – Hershey’s Milk Chocolate – Marvel Avengers Saves the Day – Hawkeye – 1.55 oz candy bar wrapper – May 2012

Hershey – Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds – Marvel Avengers Saves the Day – Hulk – 1.45 oz candy bar wrapper – May 2012
The next four wrappers were originally included in my 2012 Avengers piece but I thought it was worth including them here again along with a few other items from that earlier post.

Hershey – Kit Kat – Avengers – Black Widow – Saves the Day promotion – 1.5 oz chocolate candy wrapper – April 2012

Hershey – Kit Kat – Avengers – Thor – Saves the Day promotion – 1.5 oz chocolate candy wrapper – April 2012

Hershey – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – Avengers – Iron Man flying – Saves the Day promotion – 1.5 oz wrapper – April 2012

Hershey – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – Avengers – Iron Man Replusor – Saves the Day promotion – 1.5 oz wrapper – April 2012
One piece that I picked up and even had in my hands back in 2012 (but regrettably decided not to buy) was a large Avengers-branded bag of Hershey’s Miniatures. Even though I didn’t get it that day, I at least managed to snap a photo:

Hershey – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups Miniatures – Classic Bag – Avengers Saves the Day promotion – candy package photo April 2012
Before showing up on Reese’s wrappers for The Avengers, Iron Man made an appearance in 2010 during his promotional circuit for Iron Man 2:

Reese’s – 4 Peanut Butter Cups King Size – Iron Man 2 win a movie role – candy wrapper – 2010
While up in Canada “old shell head” was on wrappers for the Oh Henry bar:

Canada – Hershey – Oh Henry! – Iron Man 2 Win an Audi contest – 62.5g candy bar wrapper – 2010
Jumping back a bit further to one of the earliest modern Marvel films, in 2003 the Hulk smashed his way onto Canadian Life Savers wrappers with an exclusive sour lime flavor roll (sadly this tie-in never made it to the United States):

Canada – Life Savers Hulk – Sour Lime – candy roll wrapper – 2003
Jumping back even further, the earliest confirmed appearance of an Avenger on a candy bar wrapper also goes to the Hulk. In this case, the wrapper in question was for a fund-raising chocolate bar put out by the U.S. Pen company way back in 1979. The Hulk (along with a collection of other Marvel heroes) was featured on the front of the wrapper as well as on a “mini-poster” inside it. Here it is:

US Pen Company – Marvel Super Heroes Surprise – The Incredible Hulk – 2 oz fundraising chocolate candy bar wrapper – 1979
Back in my 2012 post, I covered the Sugar Babies/Charleston Chew Avengers 30th Anniversary wrappers, but I’ll include one example here for reference:

Warner-Lambert – Sugar Babies – Avengers 30th Anniversary – The Mighty Thor – candy wrapper package – 1993
And that’s everything I’ve got to share on my current coverage of Avengers candy. I will note that the Frankford Company currently has an Avengers and Marvel candy license so you may find some Age Of Ultron branded confectionery items from them, but I’ve not spotted any yet.
And that’s everything for today. See you next time!!
I really dig the Sugar Babies wrappers. The video put a smile on my face, too. Great job, Jason! :o)
I like the Life savers package
I know there was Marvel super hero candy before 1979.I clearly recall wrapped Marvel bubble gum,with tattoos,I think like 1971 or ’72,in the penny gum ball machines.Then a little later,like ’75 or ’76,there was boxed taffy,with prizes,of Marvel characters.And let’s not forget all the tie-ins for the Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk TV show,like the Topps lollipops,and bubble gum with Hulk comics and Dr. Strange fortunes.
Thanks for your comment, Roger! You’re correct of course that there were examples of Marvel-licensed candy and gum in earlier years. But I’m still pretty sure there were not any examples of candy bar or chocolate bar wrappers that featured the characters before this. I do love the earlier candy and gum items, though.