Tag Archives: vintage candy wrappers
Celebrating Four Years of CollectingCandy.com with Four Fun Discoveries!
Today marks the fourth anniversary since the February 6th, 2012 launch of CollectingCandy.com and as such I wanted to select four amazing (and previously unseen) pieces from my archives to share in order to mark the occasion. Make the jump … Continue reading
Happy Hanukkah With Paskesz Kosher Candy and More!
Hanukkah began on Sunday night earlier this week and it is a holiday I’ve been wanting to acknowledge here on CollectingCandy.com for some time. I’ve finally gathered up enough fun Hanukkah-related candy items to share, so make the jump to … Continue reading
New Moon Pie Bites! Plus Some History on the Full Cookie Dough Bites Lineup!
The folks who produce Cookie Dough Bites are rolling out their latest creation across the country; a “Bites” version of the classic treat, Moon Pies! Today I’m going to be covering those as well as the entire Cookie Dough Bites … Continue reading
Brach’s 1953 Fall & Christmas Candy Catalog!
Now that our Halloween coverage for 2015 has ended (so very sad), it’s time to kick into the Fall! And while I like to hold most of my dedicated Christmas coverage until December, I thought today’s content was a perfect … Continue reading
New for 2015: A New Halloween Ring Pop Package Design!
Happy Halloween!! One of the candy brands that tends to always provide specialty seasonal releases is Topps/Bazooka’s Ring Pop. This year is no different, with the added bonus of an entirely new look for their Halloween Ring Pop big multi-bag … Continue reading
400 Halloween Candy Images in Four Minutes!
As part of the ongoing Kickstarter campaign for Zombie Mouth Bubblegum, today I created a video incorporating over 400 Halloween candy images from the CollectingCandy.com archives that display in a seizure-inducing, Technicolor rapid-fire period of four minutes. Make the jump … Continue reading
New for 2015: Halloween Chocolate Bars from Astor and Hammond’s!
Every year, the Halloween season sees the big guys delivering all manner of specially-branded items or repackaged editions of their main line products , but today I thought I’d look at a selection of seasonal releases from a pair of … Continue reading
Halloween Candy Then-and-Now: Sweetarts Skulls n’ Bones!
Sweetarts have been a Halloween staple since the 1960’s and at least as early as the 1990’s the brand has delivered a special seasonal Skulls & Bones edition. Make the jump to see how they looked then and how they … Continue reading
New for 2015: Mars’ Halloween Muskefears and Snickers XScream!
For Halloween this year, Mars came up with a pair of terrific seasonal editions of two of their all-year-round products: 3 Musketeers and Snickers Xtreme, re-branding them as Muskefears and Snickers XScream. These are two of my favorites from 2015’s … Continue reading
M&M’s Halloween Packs from Taiwan!
I’ve enjoyed highlighting some of the Halloween-themed M&M’s packs released over the last few years, from theater boxes, to candy corn packs and design evolutions. Today, I’m going to head to the other side of the globe for a set … Continue reading