Tag Archives: 80’s
After years of hunting – Willy Wonka’s Daredevils – Discovered!
Collecting candy is a crazy kind of hobby. Sometimes you can spend years hunting for any trace of a brand or piece of packaging, and never find one. But it’s not always so tough – typically there is a photo … Continue reading
Pop Bottle Candy – a Topps classic from my Woolworth’s youth.
Since I launched CollectingCandy.com, there are a few topics that I’ve been especially excited to talk about and share pieces of – and Pop Bottle Candy is definitely one of them.
It’s an Earth-Shaking Sunday with Swell’s Earth Shaker Bubble Gum.
Couldn’t decide what to talk about today, so I put my hand in the grab-bag and came out with a rather unusual piece from Philadelphia Chewing Gum’s Swell subsidiary – Earth Shaker bubble gum.
Happy 100th Birthday to Oreo! – Part One: The History
Oreo cookies are not a candy – they’re a cookie. Even so, I wanted to find a reason to post about this notable anniversary for the brand. So I searched my files and you know what? I found that I … Continue reading
They named it what?!? – A Zagnut-o-Rama!
I can’t imagine there’s a candy bar as oddly-named as the Zagnut, and while I’ve researched quite a lot on it, the origins of the name itself are lost to time. My initial attraction to the brand came from its … Continue reading
Zotz – Where the fizz still is.
I have clear memories of Zotz candy from when I was a kid, both the packaging and the confectionery experience it contained. The Zotz name and logo was like a comic book sound effect, and it accurately described the exclamation … Continue reading
Rockin’ the 80’s – Tale of the 30-Year-Old Snickers
When you are a collector of old candy wrappers and candy boxes, you quickly learn and have to accept that you’re collecting what most folks consider trash. Candy wrappers are discarded, not saved. Because of that fact, you look for … Continue reading
Cereal and Candy: Best of Breakfast Friends
Though I am a candy wrapper and candy box collector, I’m also a cereal box collector. Each hobby has it’s own wonderful quirks and qualities, and sometimes the two of those hobbies crossover. Marketers long-ago figured out that a kid … Continue reading
It’s called soft-chunk! Or when Bubblicious was “New!”
Before I get to the subject of today’s post, I wanted to thank everyone for giving CollectingCandy.com such a terrific response yesterday. Thanks for the Tweets, the site mentions, the comments, and the e-mails. I approached that first article with … Continue reading
Big League Chew – Retrospective of an American Original
PREFACE When I set out to launch CollectingCandy.com, my mission was clear: celebrate the history of candy packaging, its marketing, and the people behind it. Sure, the title was Collecting Candy, but I felt that you didn’t need to be … Continue reading